Hey everyone!

It’s a been a bit hectic around here since our latest update. Just in case you were wondering what the gong show was all about, here’s a bit of an update. Firstly, we’re sorry for the bugs and sync issues you’ve experienced - we’re growing so rapidly, we’ve been making massive changes to keep up.

A Perfect Storm

We launched a complete rewrite of Postach.io’s backend code to clear up pre-existing issues and make room for a bunch of awesome new features that we plan to release over the next couple of months... In the midst of this, we came across the perfect digital storm. As we launched the new version, we also changed to a new server provider. This turned out to be a really bad choice - after dealing with repetitive downtime, we switched back to AWS (Amazon Web Services) and the servers have been running smoothly since then. On top of server issues, we also encountered some unexpected bugs, causing sync failure and automated password protection on various sites.

Luckily we had you! We couldn’t have squashed the bugs without your constant updates, support messages and tweets that helped keep us informed on your experience.Thanks to all of you for your understanding, patience, and motivation while our team consumed dangerous amounts of coffee in effort to get things running smoothly again :)

Now that we have the upper hand, I’d like to share our plans for Postach.io over the next couple of months. After all, so much of what we do is based on your feedback and suggestions - it makes sense for us to keep you in loop :)

1. Improved Security!

Est. Completion Date: End of September

Evernote now allows you to authorize access to a single notebook rather than your entire account in order to connect to Postach.io. While we never had any intention of snooping through your notes, this new ‘single notebook authorization’ will improve security on our end and peace of mind on yours.

2. Evernote Business Support!

Est. Completion Date: End of September

Yep! It’s finally coming! After numerous requests to support Evernote Business as a source, we can’t wait to unleash it. This will make Postach.io even more useful for true Evernote junkies like us ;)

3. Github Theme Editor!

Est. Completion Date: Third Week of October

Customization of themes has always been critical to many of our more ‘technically-inclined’ fans - we’re sorry that we had to take the Source Editor away from you temporarily. By the end of the third week of October, we will have launched a brand new and improved “Theme Editor" that incorporates Github for improved usability.

Benefits of GitHub theme editing:
  • Simply "push" to GitHub to edit your theme's source code
  • Assets in GitHub automatically sync to your site
  • Easy access to CSS and HTML
  • Easy to share your custom theme with other people
Thanks again for all your support while we work hard to make Postach.io even better.

~the Postach.io team